Thursday, December 23, 2004

2nd Childhood

I was having a pleasant conversation with some friends of mine afew weeks ago, and I forget how, but the topic eventually shifter over to books that we enjoyed reading when we were younger. Considering we're all gamers, it's no big surprise that we started talking about old gamebooks "in which YOU are the hero".

Our host then vanished into his room for afew moments and came back with a box full of old fighting fantasy gamebooks. All in their original English (90% of the gamebooks we read when we were younger were French translations). The feeling of nostalgia was so overwhelming that I immediately asked him if I could borrow some.

Since then, I've completed Deathtrap Dungeon, Sword of the Samurai, and Talisman of Death. I also ordered Steve Jackson's Sorcery! series, which I completed when I was young, and that adventure marked me. I went through all four books as a Warrior because I didn't feel like memorizing spells, and now I'm presently running through book 3, The Seven Serpents, as a Wizard.

I had forgotten how much fun these books are. The nostalgia factor helps alot too. It's also great to keep busy during commercials while watching TV. I've missed entire football games after popping in games like Metroid Prime "to play during commercials", and I ended up checking up on the score every now and then.


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