Saturday, April 23, 2005


I finally got around to buying a Nintendo DS on Thursday. With it, I bought two games: Mario 64 DS, and Feel the Magic. I'm finally gonna get my chance to play (a remake of) what is arguably the best Mario game in franchise history (so I've heard). I gotta admit that the second title was a bit of a splurge, but I noticed that all DS games are 30$ (Can), so how bad could the move be? It turned out to be surprisingly fun. The gameplay has quite a bit of variety compared to a dedicated platformer like Mario 64.

I really, really can't wait to see what kind of ideas game designers will have in a couple years to make use of the touch screen. I would love for Hideo Kojima to take a shot at the Nintendo DS too. This is the guy who took a seemingly straightforward portable console like the GBA and said "Hey! What kind of fun things could we make someone do if we slapped a solar sensor on the game cartridge and made a game out of that?" Unfortunately, I've never played Boktai, so I can't say first hand how fun the game is. All I know is that if you give that brain two screens, one of them a touch screen, and a microphone, he could come up with something that'll make gamers everywhere say "Whoa...."


At April 26, 2005 11:17 p.m., Blogger Rock Joe said...

The problem with Mario 64 DS is that it doesn't travel well. At all. If you just turn on your DS and play for 5-10 minutes, odds are you just wasted 5-10 minutes that you'll have to redo later unless you've repeated the level a shitload of times. Mario DS is a good game when you're at home in your living room... with your consoles.

Feel the Magic, on the other hand, is great for a quick 5-10 minute session. I also like the flat-shaded, retro-Japanese look. The peaks may be higher for Mario DS, but I'm having much more CONSISTENT fun with Feel the Magic.

By November, we'll have a good idea as to how good the game library is. Castlevania, and Advance Wars DS are two titles that come to mind that I can't wait to see. And I hope that the DS stays alive long enough for Hideo Kojima to try something, 'cause I know that brain of his can come up with some freaky FREAKY shit.


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