Monday, November 14, 2005

Dual Strike ROCKS.

I made afew video game purchases a couple weeks ago. One of those purchases was Advance Wars: Dual Strike for the Nintendo DS. I played the original Advance Wars on the GBA a couple years ago and was enchanted. I liked it so much I'm surprised I never played the sequel. The story that wraps this brilliant turn-based strategy game is entertaining enough to keep you going. The characters are likeable, no matter what side of the conflict they're on. I'm lucky that the plot in Advance Wars is relatively un-important, because Dual Strike clearly builds on the story of the second chapter.

As good as Advance Wars was as a GBA game, I am quite impressed with the manner in which the DS' unique features are integrated into the gameplay. The main thing that's missing is some sort of voice activated feature, but then again, maybe it IS there and I haven't unlocked it yet. I didn't even read the Gamespot preview I linked before buying this game. I knew it would be a sure hit. Waging war on two simultaneous fronts adds a nice amount of depth to the strategies you can use, and even when the battle is all on the same map, you have access to two Commanding Officers (COs) that you can use at the same time. When both of their power meters are fully charged, you get to move twice in a row, and each CO uses his/her super power before moving.

I am so addicted to this game that I'd name it as a sure bet for "next game I'll actually finish" if it wasn't for Shadow of the Colossus. I've killed 12 colossi and I know how to climb onto number 13. As compatible as handheld gaming is to my lifestyle, I'm aware that I just don't have alot of time left before I finish SotC. We'll see which game reaches the finish line first.


At November 15, 2005 7:23 p.m., Blogger Rock Joe said...

It's worth noting that I finished We Love Katamari this weekend. That's why such a short game isn't a nominee for "next game I'll finish".

At November 16, 2005 5:49 p.m., Blogger Rock Joe said...

It may not be what you meant, but thanks anyway for inspiring what will probably be one of my next 5 blog entries.

At November 16, 2005 8:25 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 blogs entries? At the current speed, you're good for almost a year *grin*

At November 19, 2005 2:16 p.m., Blogger Rock Joe said...

The worst part is that you're right, heh. I don't feel like ranting on it anymore. I was basically gonna say that it's a mistake to blindly say that absence of online play is a bad thing for every game out there. I know that's not how Goto meant it, but it made me think of all those people (casuals, fanboys, game writers, etc...) who DO think that way. It would end up being a half-rant, so it's dead... like many other would-be rants before it.


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