Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Breaking news: Needle found in haystack

Back in April I posted a rant about how annoyed I am with beggars and pan-handlers in general. I have since been on a quest to find an honest beggar. Well my quest ended today. As I was on my way home from work, some guy was asking for change so he could take the subway. I was going there anyway, so this was no detour for me at all. When I offered to buy him a ticket, he told me a friend of his was asking for change elsewhere too. They figured they'd get the money faster if they split up. We made generic small talk while walking towards the subway station and I bought a strip of 6 tickets. He seemed genuinely thankful when I gave him 2 tickets and we parted ways.

It's not much, but it's proof. Of course, it would be pointless for me to go over how many beggars I've encountered between my last rant and today. Suffice it to say he was the first one who didn't change his story to something completely different so I'd "have" to give him change. I really can't wait to meet an honest person begging for food money. I sure hope there'll be a restaurant nearby, 'cause a bag of groceries doesn't have the same psychological impact.


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