Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Good things come in HUGE packages

Every once in a while, a game will be announced that will hit me right where I itch to the point where I get extremely excited. Right now that game is definitely Shadow of the Colossus by the team that brought us Ico. That was all I really needed to know. Despite the fact that it's not a sequel, just knowing that the team behind Ico is working on another epic tale is more than enough for me.

The preview I read today also hinted at potential gameplay innovations, which is also encouraging, considering the current state of the industry. I'm not holding my breath, though. We gamers have been promised serious gameplay innovations plenty of times only to see a finished product with either half-assed tweaks on old-school shit (I don't see that coming from THIS team), or something genuinely fun, but that was just exaggerated for marketing purposes (a more likely possibility). The bottom line is that Shadow of the Colossus is one of those games that I just know I'll buy no matter what happens. When the preview I read said that it was scheduled for release next month, I thought to myself "Next month?!? But I want it NOW!" A game hasn't made me think those words in a LONG time.


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