Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Down with Censorshit!! defines censoring as the act of examining in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable. It's common sense that certain words and images are not suitable in certain situations. I wouldn't let my 8 year old nephew watch Fight Club, for instance. However I find that network television can go overboard to the point where I now find censorshit to be extremely annoying.

This age of political correctness we live in has definitely reached the "too much of a good thing" benchmark. I mean the big deal they made over Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction at last year's Superbowl is the perfect example of what can happen when you give too much importance to what bitching conservatives have to say. The whole "there could've been KIDS watching" argument is being used to shift responsibility away from parents. This actually ends up making "the problem" WORSE in the long run.

And what exactly IS "the problem" anyway? Allowing kids to grow up in a healthy environment for mental and spiritual growth? I'm all for it, but let's face it: If a person goes on a killing spree because he heard the word "fuck" on primetime television, that person has SEVERAL screws loose, and any stupid little thing coulda set him off anyway.

So let's start downplaying the "negative influence" that the media can have on the poor little brains of the children. Competent parents can completely negate, and sometimes reverse that influence. And if some children have bad parents, then that's just tough marbles. (It should be noted that I'm a believer in the philosophy of letting smart people do whatever they want, and the idiots will just kill each other off anyway. Good thing I don't run my own country.) And besides, I'm pretty sure that the conversation between a father and his son regarding Janet Jackson's breast during the halftime show would be alot less awkward than the conversation caused by some of the commercials that ran during that very same SuperBowl. "Daddy? What's 'erectile disfunction'?"

Monday, November 01, 2004

RPG music update

Well I finally gained access to the second world in Tales of Symphonia. I gotta admit that my stance on the questionable quality of the soundtrack in this game was a little un-educated. That's a risk that you take when you make a comment, and you've only played about 15-20% of the game. It's almost as if they saved all the good music for the second world.

One thing that hasn't changed at all, however, is that the story is amazing and that this game is a must have for any RPG fan who owns a Gamecube.